Sunday, April 12, 2009

12 myths about bankruptcy

Posted by Nicholas Hall

Like most big, bad, scary things, bankruptcy has a reputation based on a few tidbits of truth and lots of embellishment. And like most creepy crawlies, it's not nearly as frightening once you know the truth. With a mind toward declawing the monster, here are a dozen misconceptions about bankruptcy:

Everyone will know I've filed for bankruptcy. Unless you're a prominent person or a major corporation and the filing is picked up by the media, the chances are very good that the only people who will know about a filing are your creditors. While it's true that bankruptcy is a public legal proceeding, the numbers of people filing are so massive, very few publications have the space, the manpower or the inclination to run all of them.

All debts are wiped out in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. You wish. Certain types of debts cannot be erased. They include child support and alimony, student loans and debts incurred as the result of fraud. If you've defrauded someone and a judgment has been made against you, that won't be erased either.

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